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Diet Cat Food - Analysis

Since the diet cat food pet food recall a few years ago , cat owners are more interested in cat food of high quality. High quality ingredients , especially proteins and few preservatives and artificial ingredients are more desirable diet cat food .

A cat is a carnivore and meat should be the main source of protein. If a food label says beef, 95 % of the ingredients must be of meat. If chicken or lamb marked is recommended only 25% . If chicken or beef flavored labeled diet cat food , can not contain any meat . Foods containing meat by-products , grain and gluten are less healthy diet .

A cat needs more protein than carbohydrates in the diet. Besides the meat , add the protein to a meal with meat by-products diet cat food , animal digest, meat and bone meal . With chicken, used neck, feet and intestines. Although they provide protein , are not as healthy as meat . The carbohydrate loads require a cat to eat more to get the necessary proteins . This can lead to problems of obesity and health diet cat food .

Artificial preservatives can affect the long term health of a cat. The most common use of chemicals BAH / BATH , detoxifying and propel gallant . Vitamin C or E is a much better alternative as a preservative diet cat food .

Dry Cat Food stores easier, more profitable and easier to clean sand. Canned food is more like raw food generally has less load diet cat food and carbohydrates and contains water that contributes to hydration. Experts recommend that wet food is the main scheme .

Another alternative is a raw food diet that reflects what a cat eats in nature. This can be complicated diet cat food , expensive and time consuming to prepare. It is believed that the food has best nutrients that lead to better health and more energy. The right amount of food and supplements is necessary to ensure that the cat is getting a balanced diet.

Some owners use a vegetarian diet for your cats . This can be effective if the diet contains enough protein . diet cat food It is feared that the life of a cat to be affected by this plan.

There are many types of wet and dry food on the market. Commercial quality and natural premium diet cat food , the impact on the health of a cat can vary. Premium and natural foods are more expensive , but a cat normally eat less than it is as profitable as commercial grades . The label describes what is in the food and veterinarian can recommend the best diet.

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